Monday, February 19, 2007

Urban Cowboy

So, for the last three days we've been learning about clearing rooms and marching in formations into cities, etc. Today would've probably been okay, but it was so looooong. We had the old death by powerpoint in the morning for a few hours and then we went into the "field." We had to march around, dive onto the ground, jump up, run around some more, yell a little bit, run around a little more, avoid running in front of any weapons (which were not loaded), and then stand around out of breath while we rehashed everything we did wrong. Fun, fun, fun.

It's the final countdown here, now. Just over a week to go and I'll be headed back to home-sweet-home. Can't wait.



Soo Mi said...

I read the first couple of lines and got all excited, but then I read again and realized I got my hopes up for nowt. The word you used was "clearing," and I had read, "cleaning." Oh well.

ps-last week's lost is uber-lame, at least it is when taken completely out of context.

Elitist City-Dweller said...

You know you should never watch an episode of a tv show in Season 3, when you haven't even finished Season 1, yet.