Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Day 17

Two weeks to go in this training and it'll be all over. Don't get me wrong, I think having the training is nice. When you're going to a place like Iraq, it's better to have as much training and familiarization as possible. So, I appreciate all the things we're getting and I'm trying hard to pay attention to it all.

In saying that, today was a relatively short day. We learned about a specific type of radio that the military often uses in Iraq. I found the course pretty interesting and fun. There were several pieces of equipment associated with it that we also learned to use. Anything that has logical steps and processes to it, like a puzzle is always a little fun for me. Once I got it in my head, it was a snap to go back through it. It also seems like something that I won't brain dump right away. A little refresher training down the road and I'll be good to go.

We headed back over to the Ft. this afternoon and evening. We had to return the weapons of the guy who had appendicitis. He won't be coming back to train, and I think someone else will be selected to fill his billet. It's too bad, all the stuff he had to go through.

Finally, I hear that there are more Air Force folks coming in, who are going to be doing the same job as us. Their training will just be starting this weekend, though. I'm not sure when they will be headed out to theater. For the time being, I'm sure some of them will be staying in the same barracks as us.

Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. See you soon,


keith said...

Sounds like training is a lot more fun than band camp. You get to drive kewl trucks and shoot guns. Question is, do they make you run laps when you get out of line? (lol) Great hearing from you. I'll check back in and pass on your blog to others peeps. Let me know when you are home on leave as we are in Virginia 3/19. Hang in there and I hope to see you in March - Keith

Elitist City-Dweller said...

I'll be back in Virginia on the 1st of March and don't leave until the 21st.

Soo Mi said...

Da-ang, Mister! You're getting pretty popular. Don't you go getting all uppity now.
