Sunday, April 15, 2007

So I'm Slacking Off a Little

I realize it's been over two weeks since I last posted here. Sorry. I just don't have as much access to the Internet as I thought I might. At least to a system that let's me post to a blog. But, things are going well. I feel pretty comfortable with my job.

Except for the thunderstorms, things stay pretty quiet here. I've been occupying my time with bingo, karaoke, and watching tv shows and movies on my computer.

It really seems odd, the coincidences that happen sometimes. I don't know if I mentioned that after I arrived here I discovered one of squadron members from back home is also here. That surprised me a little, since I've known her about seven years now. But to top that off, I was sitting in the chow hall one day and saw a guy walking to his table and I immediately recognized him. He lived across from me in Virginia for 1 1/2 to 2 years. His daughters were really good friends with my kids and we went to Busch Gardens together quite a few times. Odd.

I had intended to put a few pictures in here, but I can't seem to access them at the moment. So, I'll finish for now.


1 comment:

Soo Mi said...

"The Lazy Guy?!" What do they call the deluxe model, "The Hopeless Slackass?!"

Slacking is fine, so long as you don't disassemble the cube farm or destroy the printer, okay?